Hello Northwest!
I am honoured to serve as NWAMOMC as President. Previously, I served as Vice President and Recording Secretary and it has been both
rewarding and challenging. I have become more aware of the intricate workings of the club - all of which could not be done without
all the members of NWAMOMC!
Originally from Kelowna, BC, I now live in Olympia, WA after travelling to various places with my now retired military husband. I have
been married to my husband Joseph for over 30 years. We have 24 year old quadruplets – Joseph, Karen, Laura, and Maria. I work as an
ELL para educator at a middle and high school. Previously, I worked in an elementary school in a K-2 Life Skills classroom for almost
10 years. I belonged to three clubs in Tennessee and I wrote for National as a higher order correspondent when my children were babies.
I am a member and president of Multiples R Us, our Olympia area club. I have been on Scholarship, Summer Activities – West, and
Historian Committees for NW. I am currently the Corresponding Secretary. I love to read, garden, sew, and collect scrapbook supplies.
One of these days, I will stop collecting and put those supplies to good use!
Hi there!
I'm Katie Lambson. I am a single mom of ID 11yr old twin boys, Ethan and Will. They drive me absolutely crazy and love to tell me how much
the 'know'. I have been a member of Miracle Bonus, Spokane since I was five- months pregnant in 2009.
This organization has my love and loyalty forever because they have supported me by awarding me the Gwenn Lawson Momship when I took the
plunge and went back to school to successfully obtain my degree as a Registered Dental Hygienist. That was 3 long years of missing conventions
and various other events. However, my MOMs rallied around me, watched my kids, dried my tears, face timed me during convention to help me feel
included, cheered me on from the moment I became a mom, then a single mom, with 14-month-old babies. They checked on me, got clothes for my kids,
made sure we had Christmas gifts, had food to eat and were kind enough to let me spend three-years leading Miracle Bonus as president. This club
has been my village and I am in awe over the strength, love and support you all show each other every day.
Thank You for the opportunity to serve as NAMOMC Treasurer.
I joined Eastside Mothers of Multiples and Northwest 20 years ago when my girls were born. I
have received so much from this organization from advice to friendship. As a
member I have always felt the need to give back by volunteering. Over the years I have held
many chairmom, committee and even an Officer positions. I have been Scholarship committee and
chairmom, Credentials, Budget and Finance, Financial Reviewer and Recording Secretary twice. The
Treasurer’s role has been very rewarding, and I look forward to continuing.
I am Charlene Lee, I am serving as Corresponding Secretary. I have been a member of
NWAMOMC since 1997; my girls were a year old. I went to my first convention in Boise, ID, A Magic Carpet Ride,
and I’ve been attending ever since.
I am currently a member of NW Traveling MOMS. Over the years I volunteered on several
committees,budget and finance, research, scholarship, publicity, and special projects. I also helped host
convention and fall meetings with Eastside MOMS. Including Treasurer for Fall Meeting 2005 “Oktoberfest”
and Co-Chairmom Convention 2014 “Reach for the Stars”Co-Chairmom and Treasurer for Fall Meeting 2017 “Moonlight in Morocco”
During COVID I had a great time as Game planner for our NWAMOMC Zoom Fun Nights
I am honored to serve on your NWAMOMC board as Corresponding Secretary.
Hello Northwest!
My name is Katie Cooper, I am currently serving as Recording Secretary.
I have been a member of NWAMOMC since 2014, just months after my twins were born.
My first convention was in Bellevue, Washington and I have loved being a
part of this fun, strong, amazing group of women!
I am currently a member of Valley Moms of Multiples and Tacoma Parents of Multiples.
I have volunteered on several committees and for chairmom positions.
I am currently a member of Valley Moms of Multiples and Tacoma Parents of Multiples.
I have volunteered on several committees and for chairmom positions.
Thank you for supporting me as Recording Secretary for NWAMOMC
It's an honor to be serve as Advisor of NWAMOMC. I have been a member of Northwest since
1996 when I joined Twice the Spice in Bremerton. In 1997, I attended my first convention in Bellevue,
and have attended every convention since 2000. At first, I was content to sit back and let other
“more experienced” members do the work, but once I became involved, I was hooked! I have served as
writer for the TOG, Chairmom for Ways & Means, NWA Corresponding Secretary, NWA Recording Secretary,
and Chaplain and most recently NWA President.
I love this organization and believe in the women who are my sister friends. We have a bond that doesn’t
matter if we see each other frequently or just once or twice a year. I want to see this organization grow and
prosper for many, many years to come. I am excited for the challenges ahead, and I will do my best to meet
those challenges with a smile, a listening ear and an open heart.